Happy St. Patrick’s Day, and welcome back after a hopefully restful Spring Break! Catch up on what you might have missed in the world of law, whether serious, humorous, or otherwise:
- An innocent man was released from prison after 30 years on death row (The Atlantic)
- Of course there’s more to come on this one, but a federal district judge ordered Tennessee to recognize same-sex marriages (BuzzFeed)
- The United States is relinquishing control of ICANN and thus, in a sense, relinquishing control of the internet (NPR)
- A Florida man ate a piece of paper in court in order to avoid revealing a tipster’s identity (Lowering the Bar)
- George Zimmerman’s parents are suing Roseanne Barr because the world is insane (and because Roseanne tweeted their address) (IT-Lex)